Disney engages in the anger of fans of Guardians of the Galaxy :: Investor.bg


  Anger of Disney fans

Photographers and fans of the "Galaxy Guardian" director James Gunn appeal to Walt Disney to hire him again – a rare case in times of bad Bloomberg behavior [19659003] of which Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt and Selma Blair, wrote on Twitter to support Gunn, who is the screenwriter and director of the two films in the series. and worked third. About 228,000 people signed a petition at Change.org, urging Disney to send him back to work because of fears that he may have fallen victim to conservative faces.

Disney kidnapped Gunn on July 20 after the Daily Caller website posted Twitter comments eight years ago, in which the director was joking about the Holocaust, pedophilia, the overweight and violence on women. In a tweet last week, Gun said that he had apologized several times for his sense of humor that hurts people: "The days when I said something, just because & It was shocking and was trying to have a reaction, were over, "she commented. After producer Harvey Waintstein was fired from his own studio on harbadment charges last October, Hollywood faced a wave of reactions against guilders who behaved inappropriately.

Disney sacked entertainment director John Lbadeter in connection with charges of inappropriate physical contact and then stopped a show with Rozan Bar for racist tweets

to receive support for his films, which have raised more than $ 1.6 billion as they have a loyal base of Marvel fans. There can also be a political element. Gunn, like many people in Hollywood, is a frank critic of Donald Trump, while Daily Caller supports the American president

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