Donald Trump accused his former lawyer of acting illegally


July 22, 2018 | 01:43 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: AFPAP: Donald Trump accuses his former lawyer of illegal activities

  AFP: Donald Trump accuses his former lawyer of illegal activities Photo: AFP

The President Donald Trump on Saturday accused his former lawyer, saying that Michael Cohen may have acted illegally by secretly summoning calls for financial compensation to silence an alleged relationship with a Playboy model, AFP
Early morning publication in the Trump's social network Twitter was his first direct reaction after 19459011 The New York Times published that the FBI found the recordings during an April search in Cohen's office in a possible connection survey of the campaign of Trump with Russia
Cohen has not yet been arrested or charged with a crime, but his cooperation with the government may prove vital to prosecutors, a scenario that could become more likely in the open-ended Trump
Although Cohen was quoted as saying that he "would take the ball" instead of the president, Trump's letter and the lenient response of Cohen's lawyer, Lenny Davies, could signal that the relationship between them was broken if not broken
"It is unacceptable that the authorities enter the lawyer's office (early morning) – which is almost unheard of," writes Trump on Saturday
"It's even more inconceivable that a solicitor registers a client – totally new and possibly illegal.The good news is that your president has done nothing wrong!" Donald Trump finished.

Translation and revision: Юлиан Марков

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