ECB raises interest rates early in summer 2019


The first interest rate hike by the European Central Bank could be the earliest in the summer of 2019 if inflationary conditions in the eurozone justify such an evolution. François Villeroy de Gallo, a prominent member of the ECB and governor of the French Central Bank, said Wednesday

"that net purchases of financial badets (" quantitative easing ") are expected to end in December , and the first interest rate hike could be the earlier of the summer of 2019, according to the inflationary outlook, "said Willeroy de Gallo at a conference in Paris

. His comments confirm the current position of the ECB on Interest Rate Policy

At its meeting in June, the European Central Bank stated that it was expecting that the rates of interest Interest rates remain unchanged at the earliest "in the summer of 2019", which would lead investors and badysts to guess whether that meant the first rise in interest rates in the euro zone could be the case the next summer or after.

At this point, however, financial market participants suggest that the ECB's key interest rates should rise in the autumn or end of 2019. This should be the case in October or even in December of next year, writes

Meanwhile, Reuters quotes several sources of the ECB, which also appear divided when the bank may resort to the first interest rate hike. According to some of them, this movement will be possible as of next July, while others exclude such a decision until next autumn, which means at the earliest at the meeting of the ECB of 21 September 2019.

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