Europe with an excellent rating for Borisov, put it in front of Erdogan and Tsipras – BLITZ


Boyko Borisov enjoys the highest confidence among the leaders of the region among the people of the Western Balkans. According to an international study by Gallup International

After the Bulgarian Euro-Presidency, the Western Balkan countries feel closer to Bulgaria, even though the larger EU countries have not given these companies a very clear perspective. The Bulgarian contribution is felt and the countries of the Western Balkans have badumed the Bulgarian role rather positively. This is reflected in the perceptions of the Bulgarian Prime Minister who has increased his recognition in the Western Balkans over the past year, and among these six societies, the confidence of the other chiefs of the executive power of the region is highest , according to the study conducted in Macedonia. Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro

Has Bulgaria Contributed to the European Perspective of the Western Balkans: What do the Different Nations Think

The Western Balkan Countries Outweigh Those who believe that B Garia helps the European integration of their country (58% now, with 54% last year) against those who believe that Bulgaria does not contribute (42% now, with 46% l & # 39; 39, last year). Thus, the share of those who see the help of Bulgaria grow significantly over the previous year, and this is the result of Bulgaria's emphasis on the Western Balkans [19659003]

. Bulgaria helps. In most other countries, the share of consensuals is about 50%, and in Montenegro it is 58% and 10 points higher than the previous year, respectively. (19659003) Almost Bulgaria, the local Albanian community has a strong positive opinion – 76% believes that Bulgaria also contributes to increase by 40 points over the previous year. Among others in the country, however, opinions are polarized and this is due to the fierce and equivalent political battle between the two main parties in the country. The sharing of opinions proves the need for even more active links with Macedonia. Additional activities will be needed regarding Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, for example, where badessments are more moderate and cultural proximity to Bulgaria is not as strong.

The estimates of a positive contribution are part of the otherwise vague perspective that Brussels and the major European capitals have sketched for the Western Balkans.

Because of this ambiguity, the expectations of Western Balkan companies The EU Confidence in the leaders

Bulgarian efforts for the Western Balkans have led to growth in the last year of knowledge of Boyko Borisov. His lack of recognition drops significantly by 16 points in one year. This means that Bulgaria has an active role in the mbad consciousness of these countries. Thus, in 2018, the overall positive result minus the total negative rating for Borisov translates into +22, Borisov being in the most advantageous position vis-à-vis the leaders of the region. For example, relatively high positive scores have Erdogan, but there are also negative scores, and the difference between positive and negative is +10. In addition, with Erdogan in the last year, negative ratings are up.

The May meeting

% of the population in the Western Balkans, or more than 6 million people, consider themselves generally familiar with the subject of the EU-Western Balkans summit in May. Half of them are even familiar with the results. The units are sensitive, as the results of these meetings usually remain far from people's daily lives.

The initiative of this meeting, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, is considered rather positive. Of those who know the results of the meeting, positive judgments prevail everywhere

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