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One out of every 10 credit cards in the country is now non-bank. This shows a nationally representative survey conducted by GFK on the order of Access Finance Ltd.
15% of 20-65 year olds have a credit card, the non-bank share of all credit cards being 10%. The leading positions have a carte blanche with more than half of the cards issued
non-bank credit cards.
The credit card market remains insatiable, but the customer's customer profile is diversified both as a demographics and as a means of using the product. Non-bank credit card
is a relatively new product, but its entry into the market changes the profile of a typical credit card customer because flexible approval conditions allow for a wider range of
customers to use the product. If bank credit cards are dominated by people with higher education (41%) and above-average personal income, non-bank product customers prevail over people
with secondary education (67%) and an income of the average and slightly below average for the country.
It should be noted that 7% of non-bank customers are freelancers. According to the internal badysis of White Map, this customer segment uses its card with the exception of the usual uses,
and to support their business activities.
The survey shows that bank and non-bank credit cards are used for almost the same purposes. Most of the daily needs are: food (16% for
non-bank and 24% for bank cards) and the payment of monthly bills (14% for banks and 18% for banks). Cards are also used for large purchases such as white and black (14% for both
segmentation), covering holiday expenses (16 for both segments), as well as purchases of clothing and footwear, food and entertainment.
"The use of credit cards around the world, as well as in Europe, varies greatly and is conditioned by a variety of factors, including cultural, social and economic factors," says Alexandra.
Kalcheva, marketing director of Access Finance Ltd. "In our survey, more than half of the population say their income barely covers the cost of the month and can not save.
is one of the factors that determines the use of credit card as a way to finance daily expenses, which is a typical way of using this product not only in our country. "
The average credit limit for non-bank credit cards is less than 1,200 leva. For bank cards, this limit is about 500 higher leva.
Depending on the specificities of their needs, different consumers see additional benefits of the product: for younger users (20-29 years) – online shopping for people above average
Income – The convenience of the credit card when traveling abroad. 62% of respondents point out that the main advantage of the credit card is the ability to always have financial resources to
"Our customer surveys show an increasingly diverse profile of customers who use the product, as well as improving the culture of using a credit card and better
Knowing the principle of repayment of its contributions, "adds marketing director of Access Finance Ltd.," Bulgaria is one of the countries with a small share of credit card users in Europe,
the market has development potential. With the development of the market, the use of credit cards will also grow and diversify.
The survey is representative of the population of the country aged 20 to 65 years and was conducted by GFK to 1500 people in April 2018 by order of Access Finance Ltd., the institution bidder
the financial product White Card.
White Card is an international Visa Clbadic credit card, offered by Access Finance Ltd. The customers of the carte blanche do not pay for the expenses of emission and service. No toll charges
ATM in Bulgaria, as well as payment in retail chains. The application and receipt of a "carte blanche" is extremely easy and becomes fully remote.
"Access Finance" Ltd. is a Bulgarian company specializing in non-bank loans. The company is already present through its companies in the markets of Macedonia, Romania and Poland.
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