Everything is solemn! Ronaldo will be No. 7 at Juventus


Juventus midfielder Juan Couadrado was unusually mild after releasing his number No. 7 which will be worn by the team's spectacular new recruit, Cristiano Ronaldo
19659004] [19659003] The Portuguese was officially attracted to Juventus Stadium and signed a four-year contract with the team, which was definitely the transfer of the year.

"Better to give than to receive, I want a blessing for Ronaldo for this new adventure, and my decision was inevitable, because the CR7 is a brand," said the Colombian who posted the Ronaldo 7 T-shirt.

The Portuguese should start preparations for the new season a little later, as he is currently on vacation after competing in the World Cup.

More happy than ever; bendiciones #FinoAllaFine [19659909] pic.twitter.com/MYAMcjVyxi

– Juan Cuadrado 11 July 2018

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