Excessive rain stimulates the supply of feed wheat :: Investor.bg


  Heavy rains increased the supply of feed wheat

Harvest of barley in Razgrad. Photo: BTA

Due to heavy rains in Bulgaria, the quality of wheat is deteriorating and the supply of feed wheat is reinforced, reports the Sofia Commodity Exchange AD in its weekly magazine

In the circle "Grain "Contract prices are stable and insignificant. There is an offer of soft wheat at 300 leva / ton but the demand remains at 280 leva / ton

The demand for feed wheat is 260 to 270 leva per ton and the supply of 290 leva per ton. The feed barley is looking for 270 leva / ton, the offer is 280 leva / ton. The corn supply is between 310 and 320 BGN / ton. All prices are without VAT.

During the last week of July, the price of wheat across the ocean, in Europe and in the Black Sea region, is the subject of a controversial move and the maize price is on a downward trend. In the United States, wheat (FOB) drops from $ 8 to $ 207 / ton, in France from $ 6 to $ 180 / ton. In Ukraine and Russia, however, citations increased from 1 and 4 to 199 and 203 dollars respectively.

For maize, the price change in the United States again fell from $ 8 to $ 155 per tonne. from 4 euros to 159 euros / ton

In Russia, the price of maize has dropped from 3 dollars to 197 dollars / ton

The price of rape in the Eurone Union (Euronext) continues to fall with a new 3.75 euros to 358, 75 euros / ton and barley in France and Germany rose to 3 and 4 euros and reached prices of 173 and 180 euros / ton

The price in Rotterdam for The unrefined sunflower oil this week is the same as last week at $ 780 a ton, while London's sugar lost its 'won' at the end of June and decreased by 2.10 $ to $ 339.60 / t

Non-Food Products "on Sofia Stock Exchange Plc entered into a number of transactions on energy carriers, with prices rising slightly.There were a lot of transactions on scrap metal

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