Expect live: Anderson vs Djokovic – Tennis


South Africa's Kevin Anderson and Serbian Novak Djokovic will define the new Wimbledon champion today. The final starts at 16:00 Bulgarian time. For Anderson, it is the second final of the Grand Slam tournaments after losing to Rafael Nadal in the direct dispute over the title of the US Open in 2017. The former world number one Djokovic, ranked No. 12, is playing in his 22nd Chelsea tournament final. He is currently pursuing the fourth Wimbledon title and a 13th Grand Slam title.

The last day of the 2018 Championships is here.

Here's what you can expect … #Wimbledon @HSBC_Sport pic.twitter.com/ZeLKDbHh1A

– Wimbledon (19459010) July 15, 2018 [19659007] The Serbian of 31 years has a serious advantage in direct duels with South Africans. Djokovic has won 5 of 6 matches between the two. Anderson, 32, is in a series of 5 consecutive losses by Djokovic, with his only success against him 10 years ago. Their last clash – in 2015 – was exactly Wimbledon and was extremely controversial. In a 1/8-final match, Nole managed to break the 203-cm South African with 6: 7 (6), 6: 7 (6), 6: 1, 6: 4, 7: 5. init ( {appId: 176964795710805 & # 39 ;, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});
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