Facebook publishes new messaging facts showing love emoji on World Emoji Day


This is World Emoji Day on July 17th, with Facebook sharing over 900 million shared emojis on Messenger each day, with more facts and figures to make you emoticons and Moreover.

Tuesday, July 17, Facebook's Messenger team has "released new facts showing how much we love emojis."

In addition, Messenger and Facebook say that they "are also launching new features to celebrate the occasion, including a camera frame We are told that" overall, we are sending more than 900 million of & # 39; Emojis on Messenger every day – and that only counts the emojis we send without any accompanying text "- with Facebook noting that 700 million emojis are used on Facebook posts every day, and even less emojis added to text messenger "emojiquation", which is not a new word that I just coined as there are 129 results on Google, but that is still pretty cool.

So , what is one of the most popular emojis in Australia?

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Facebook messengers tell us that "Australians are one of the biggest users of the birthday cake emoji and the most popular day to send emojis on Messenger is the New Year's Eve Year".

In addition, "the way we communicate has evolved over time, the Internet having spurred this evolution, especially in terms of messaging," as we have done "from 160 characters to abbreviations (such as LOL ), emojis, GIF and Now, animojis ".

To see all the details, an infographic is embedded (and linked to) at the end of this article, so please check for details!

As for the new more Messenger and Facebook emoji facts and features:

  • There are more than 2,800 emojis and most of them (nearly 2,300) are used every day [19659010] Women are more likely to use emojis than men, 88% of women send emojis compared to 78% of men.
  • 1 in 3 Australian senders say they add GIFS, videos and images to their messages every day, which allows them to better express their emotions and make them more creative. ] Dissemination of love: On Facebook, people use the (love red heart symbol) ️ twice more than last year
  • Put an emoji on: More than 700M emojis are used in Facebook posts every day

Here is the infographic with more facts, statistics and figures – click on image to enlarge version of the resolution:


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