Fans of Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) with a strong statement to the club management – Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) – BG Football


Proponents of nine-faction Lokomotiv (Plovdiv), united by the black-white fan club, issued a stern statement on, intended for the leadership of the "Smurfs" club. Loko fans were angry after the Phoenix against Slavia in a second round match of the Premier League. The Lokomotiv (Pd) lost to the "white" 4: 2, and the team's play has caused many spectators to leave Lauta prematurely. published the statement without editorial intervention:

"We waited one day to move on from another tragicomedy that had been performed in Lauta on Sunday night, in order to be able to give a sober judgment to the situation and at (19459007)

After another parade and parody with the shooting of the stack of new players, after the fact that two the group for the official matches had to be filled with teenagers and injured players , doc Players lured into their hotel rooms, because someone did not think they had exceeded the quota for players outside the European Union on Sunday we again met the reality frightful Lauta: one open crate, that people had to wait more than 30 minutes in the heat of 35 degrees to be able to take a ticket! Not to mention yet another silly to print only 100 tickets to the central tribes who have you an hour before the match, and people with families overwhelmingly either left or reluctantly they took tickets for the "Sport Club" tribute, where the sun was roaring without mercy. To get to the madness of driving hundreds of people to wait until 15 minutes before the start of the game someone thought that he could print more tickets

We Want ask for it "Leadership", how many years will they still try to expel the few remaining Lauta people with their profane and inadequate actions? How long will it take to support uneducated and incompetent people to poison the nerves of all those who love Lokomotiv Plovdiv? How long will the club be organized at the level of the Amateur League? How long will protesters in Lauta's offices look for guilt elsewhere, but not in themselves? Yesterday even these same prophans decided to chase the players who brought you themselves, and we did not even play in the game, a fact that they were not noticed. When will the old drunkard Chavdar Tsvetkov take responsibility for the next failed transfer window and what is the function of this individual in addition to making commissions and being a cup boy? Who will tell us why our talented teenagers were delivered to bring a whole series of Serbian and Croatian counterfeiters and who benefits from the collection of commissions? When will anyone ever take a responsibility in this club ??? And why should we be ashamed to read Hristo Krusarski's comic statements about axes, axes, measures, and those inadequate and unrealistic rumors? One man rightly said that the fish was smelly of the head.

The Lord planted artificially on Lauta, it can not last! Did not you realize that you do not get up for what you do? You do not have the capacity and ability to lead an institution of the rank of Lokomotiv Plovdiv

You are ashamed of this club, you are ashamed of our fans, you are ashamed of our city and your time is over

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