Festivities were held in fifteen cities of Macedonia at the invitation of the country to NATO


Skopje. Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Thursday that Macedonia has set a specific date to start talks with the European Union and that a visit from the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, on 20 July, would begin the process of monitoring the various chapters, transmits the Macedonian electronic media "More Info" .
"We have received a specific date for the start of negotiations, that there are more dilemmas and conclude with these debates.The second half of July will start with the visit of the European Commissioner Khan.This in itself is the proof that they are starting the whole process of negotiation.I believe that Macedonia will follow all these steps in time.I am happy with the date.Our wait is complete and complete ,? said Prime Minister in the program. Top Theme on Macedonian TV "Telma".
Zaev said that Macedonia is ready for negotiations and all that is done in justice reforms, media, public administration, security, is fully coordinated with the European Commission and the European delegation
"We will continue," he said, noting that Macedonia needs quick reforms to enable citizens to feel the change
The Prime Minister is convinced that this decision of the General Affairs Council of the EU to set a date for the start of negotiations in June 2019 is a strong motivation that requires not only the administration but also the citizens, judges, medical workers and security services. complete reforms quickly.
Assuming that all this will not matter if the citizens say "no" to the referendum on the name treaty with Greece, Zaev said that he is waiting for the first results of the sociological surveys on public attitudes next week
"Macedonia has received everything it expects in the most desirable way.I am satisfied with the internal debate on enlargement, but in the end, all Member States were unanimous Tuesday with the decision of the Council of Ministers, and today the European Council has also confirmed it, "he said
Macedonia does not have any other option, according to the prime minister. He must and wants to be a member of NATO as well as a successful negotiation process for accession to the EU
"I sincerely believe in the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia that they will also be very optimistic about achieving these two goals," Zaev said.
On Friday morning, he will have a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
"Tomorrow, I have a meeting with the Secretary General of NATO Stoltenberg.What we expect from 2008 in Bucharest will be reached on July 11 and 12 in Brussels at the NATO Summit, and c & rsquo; Is an invitation to Alisbada, which begins with a three-month follow-up period, followed by an invitation to ratify the protocol by the NATO member states, Zoran Zaev explained.
In connection with the fact that Macedonia has a problem with some institutions, such as the Anti-Corruption Commission, Zaev said that there should be functional institutions
"It's a challenge for all the actors who are responsible, whether they are for power or opposition, to roll up their sleeves and make decisions in Macedonia." Europe has extended his hands, what we all deserve.It is the result of all these years.I have probably waited to lead the government when these things happen, "he explained.
"Now it's up to us from Macedonia, there's nothing to complain about, nobody is blocking us anymore, Europe with a consensus is for us and I think we as citizens will get there. because we all sincerely believe, "concluded the Prime Minister. {
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