Fibank with the greatest confidence among the Bulgarians – Trud


Bank profit is BGN 515 million

Fibank is the bank with the highest confidence among consumers, according to the survey "Trust in Banks. Consumption of Banking Services", conducted by Instant Panel Technologies in May 2018.

The financial institution is mentioned by 54% of respondents, the second is CCB with 48%, and the third – Municipal Bank – 40%

92% of Fibank users trust the DSK is the most famous and most recognizable financial institution among banks operating in Bulgaria – 30% of respondents indicate it as the first brand badociation in the sector

The year last ranked among the top five banks, including Fibank, Postbank UniCredit Bulbank and UBB

Data from the survey show that the merger of CIBANK with UBB under the UBB brand does not significantly affect UBB in the clbademe Top of mind Once again, the same banks are in the top rankings according to consumer perceptions

Meanwhile, BNB data showed that the profit of the banking system as of May 31 was BGN 515 million against 526 BGN million for the five months of the previous year. Last month, its badets increased from 0.8% (BGN 771 million) to BGN 98.5 billion due to the growth of deposits and balance sheet capital.

Households received loans of BGN 790 million, which is 3.9% growth. Loans to other financial corporations increased by 3.4 percent or BGN 84 million, the smallest decline in business loans – 0.2 percent (BGN 64 million) and the general government sector – 4 , 3 million BGN (27 million BGN)

Deposits in the banking system in May increased by BGN 825 million, business savings increased by BGN 484 million, while other financial enterprises increased by 258 million BGN Million BGN and households BGN 177 million

By the end of May, the Bank's own capital amounted to BGN 11.9 billion, an increase of BGN 47 million ( 0.4%% vs. after 201 2018

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