FIFA Chief Infantino: C & # 39; s the best in the world


Traditionally, the FIFA President gives a press conference a day or two before the final. Gianny Infantino appeared in Lujinski Hall in Sweatshirt as volunteers who helped at the World Cup. With that, he wanted to show respect for his work, which is free. At first, the Swiss made a long breakthrough, and then more than an hour answered the questions of accredited journalists.

– Thank you very much and allow me first of all to welcome you to this press conference and this world championship. I want to congratulate you for the work you do. It's a great job to bring that excitement, the pbadion we have to football now and in this country, to the world's knowledge.

For 2 years now, I say that this world championship will be the best in history. Today, I am more than ever convinced of that. That's why I repeat – it's the best world championship of all time. That is why I would first like to thank everyone who has an influence on his preparation and his conduct. The main actors, of course, were on the ground – footballers, coaches, judges, but also those who worked in the field to ensure the smooth running of all this. I also thank the Russians, the Russian people.

I adore the Russian government, President Putin, of course. At the local organizing committee, in the Russian Football Union, to all who have ensured the optimal holding of this world championship in the country, the best of history. The Heart and Smile of the World Cup – these are the ones who worked for that. Thousands of people who participated in the organization of the World Cup, who did their best to make it the best and the best of all time. The fact that the championship was so good gave us the opportunity to breathe again, to enjoy it. We give football an opportunity to talk first hand. Not to make officials, presidents, vice presidents, heads of state, and those who are on the ground. We just organize this and the boys below demonstrate their incredible skills. Football speaks, he is a participant, the main actor of this world championship. That's what we all wanted from the very beginning of my term as president – football to return to FIFA and FIFA to return to football. The top of all this is the world championship. I congratulate the 32 teams who participated here and made us dream.


France and


who came to the finals that we had never seen before. Years ago, there was such a semifinal, but the current final shows that the level of football has increased so that everyone can dream. Croatia is in the finals, Belgium has reached the semi-finals – the notions of "big" and "small" in football no longer exist. There is only what is visible on the ground. And a few other things, important things that have changed thanks to this world championship. The first is that this country has changed, Russia. It's become a real football nation. Not just a place where the world championship takes place

Football is already

in the Russian DNA,

in the veins of the country running football blood. It's also thanks to all the work that has been done – infrastructure, stages, everything is incredibly beautiful and works effectively. The legacy of this world championship will pull Russia up, to the heights, to countries where football is king. Because everything that has been built here for the world has been built for the future. The Russians have specific plans to use the new stadiums, and FIFA will support the RFU so that football can continue to live in this country. And the second that the world is changing is the factual perception of the world of Russia. I think all those who were here, more than a million visitors from abroad, except Moscow and St. Petersburg, Kazan and the other cities, have found a wonderful, hospitable country and lots of people who try to show the world what is it

That it is not what is said and written about it, that there is a rich culture that belongs to the world. history of humanity, the history of all of us. This could be seen and felt in all cities. I think it was a great experience for the hundreds of thousands of people who arrived in the world. I think that they had a detriment to the country, now everything has changed thanks to this world championship because everyone felt the true nature of the people here. And I want to thank, besides the Russians, for having appealed to them and to the thousands of Colombians, Peruvians, Mexicans, Argentineans, Iranians, Poles, etc. From Africa, Asia, Japanese, who cleaned the stands after every match

All these beautiful positive things you, the journalists, have told the whole world, with them, I want to remember my words of introduction. Now I'm waiting for your questions

Why did FIFA decide to increase the number of World Cup participants to 48? So much to do by 2026 at the latest. Do you think that this will promote the development of football, that it will gain in quality? Many colleagues believe that extra experiences are bad for football.

– Thanks for the opinion. We made a decision. Previously, we badyzed very carefully the increase of the finalists

Our decision was unanimous –

the teams at

were increased

from 32 to 48

(19459003), then 16, then 32 (19459003), then 32 players (there are 16 players in the first world championship, but three teams give up and there is no There is no time to replace – (missed 24 as participants in 4 World Championships between 1982 and 1994 – a.)

But the number of FIFA members has also increased significantly.The qualifiers of this championship world were teams regularly finalists or even world champions, but they did not qualify for Russia – Chile, Italy, Cameroon, who is champion of Africa, United States of America, Turkey

the countries are still out of the world, and here too here is Croatia, which is alified for the final, which would have already guessed. Such a small country. Of course, it has rich football traditions, but there is no more powerful development factor than a world championship. Here, Panama is the first in the world. They scored two goals. The first, against England, celebrated him as a world champion. And this has a huge impact in Panama and throughout Central America – building land, building stadiums, boys and girls are registered to practice football. This should also be done in other countries and regions. And in the end, 48 teams represent less than 25% of all our member states. This is a reasonable number of participants. I believe that in 2026 the United States, Canada and Mexico will be ready to hold a world championship with so many finalists. – There is an increase in trauma in the blows that fall in the head, there are more tears. Does FIFA intend to do something about it, more controls, for example? – Medical experts badyzed the data. Before it seemed that it did not happen so often. Finally, the team doctors decide if the player can return to the field. There are certain procedures to do it. The health of the athletes is the most important thing, and the concussion is an extremely dangerous trauma. After the World Cup, we will have a meeting on this issue and we will look for new solutions to protect the health of the players.

– Europe dominates this world championship and, in general, football today. For the fourth time in a row, a European team will become world champion. Is there an imbalance of power and what can FIFA do to overcome it?

– I can not say that football was much more balanced than it currently is. The world champions came only from Europe and South America. And now we have a final in which a team meets, once won the title, and another who has never done it. I think that

Croatia is the locomotive

of football

ambitions of small countries. I think there is no geography here. It all depends on the quality of the players and the work with them, the professional attitude. Yes, we observe a certain superiority of the European teams if we look at the results. But sometimes it was very difficult, even dramatic. Here, Belgium, in the 98th minute, that is to say in the 8th rank added by the referee, managed to score a defeat against Japan in 1/8 finals. There are very small details that play a huge role in the games. I think the results of teams from other continents of this world should become a catalyst and a motivator for them to work harder, invest in training and training. FIFA is allocating funds for this and they are becoming increasingly important. As for the surprises and the next championships, they will have them.

– Is it clear that in Qatar teams will stay 32, or can they be increased to 48

] – We will meet with the representatives of Qatar and understand their point of view. And then, based on the results of the discussions, we will have a meeting of the FIFA Council where we will discuss the options and make a decision. To date,

participants in

First World War

2022 in Qatar

were 32 teams

that he overcomes with simulations. What is your opinion?

– Still, he is a great player. That's the first thing we have to say about it. He is incredibly talented. If you know me closely, you'll know that when I'm in the company of such stars that allow us to dream, I can not say anything wrong. Even little in negative terms. Neimar is a legend. I think he will show more of his football skills in the future than other things

"Another question about Qatar When the schedule for the next World Cup will it be clear? Because it is a big change that the World Cup will not be in summer, in the break between two seasons.

– We have already taken a The World Cup in Qatar will take place between 21 November and 18 December 2022. The European leagues, as well as others, are already informed about this, and of course they will have to adapt their calendars and schedules. I think that the decision of the championship in November-December is correct.In June-July nobody wants to play in Qatar because of the heat.In addition, the players will be in very good shape because it is still the beginning of the season

– The triple candidacy of the United States, Canada and Mexico does not reduce is not likely to the idea of ​​a common household in 2030 by No, it will not reduce them, of course. CONCACAF and CONMEBOL are various confederations, so cleaning the world in 2026 will not affect the final decision. By 2030, we will have, I suppose, many household demands. I think we should look at them very closely until 2026. – Before the World Cup, you met with President Putin and you said you were a team. Last week in the Kremlin you said that the world had fallen in love with Russia. How do you think – the relationship with Ukraine, state support for doping, repression in Chechnya, what will the victims say about all this? When you run your program as a FIFA leader, where do you push the red line in relationships? When do you interfere with politics, and when?

– I think there is a lot of injustice in the world. In principle Many things are not like people around the world want. There are many things we want to change, that's right. There are things we are dissatisfied with, but they are coming. Not in one country, not in one region but in the whole world. Of course, we must try, communicate, work for the world to change for the better. That's what we do. But here we are at the World Cup and we are focusing on football, celebrating the game itself. I think that overall we do not have the ability to talk to each other, to understand through dialogue, that is, it is the basis of decisions of these issues. I'm not talking about total understanding, but if there is not at least mutual respect, it will not get us anywhere. I think we need to look for new channels of communication, help those who make serious decisions globally, start talking, realize that they are living people with whom the dialogue must take place [19659004] Football can not

Can decide

all the problems of the world



People who make important decisions about the fate of the planet can watch what we do in football. This could perhaps inspire them and try to address the solution to these problems. And if football can make a contribution, as can be seen, it must be used for this championship. – You wanted to invite the Thai boys and their trainer, who were saved from the cave, at the end of the world, but they did not allow it. Maybe you will invite them to Qatar

– We watched for nine days these young footballers and their coach with their breath. It has touched our hearts, not just the world of football, but everyone. We all, when we were 10, 12 or 14 years old, played football and always wanted to win. Thank God, it's over. We invited them to the finale, but doctors do not allow them to travel for medical reasons until now. We'll be inviting them to London in September, maybe we'll organize something in Thailand, maybe a match. And maybe we can really invite them after 4 years to watch the Qatar final, the idea is very good. But I also want to remind you of something else. There was also a diver who helped save the boys. Unfortunately, he died, gave his life for the rescue of children. I want you to convey my condolences to the family, to my friends, to the countryside. The man did not spare his life for these youngsters. So, as we look forward to saving them, let us not forget those who risk their lives every day for us.

– Officials are often present at matches. You sit with presidents, prime ministers, kings. – We're talking about football, the emotions around the game, the things we're pbadionate about when we look at what's happening on the field. Of course, all these people support different teams, so I can not take sides. Sometimes I have to rebadure them that now their turn will come back to the match. But sometimes, if I say to someone that his will will, the other can offend. And vice versa. That is why

I am a little

as a judge of

field, I have

am absolutely

Of course, they are still diplomats. We discuss interesting things. I have not thought about it before, but now I understand that the leaders of the world are ordinary people like us. From time to time, they also want to smile, laugh, relax, enjoy football. And it is wonderful that they can do it.

– You said it was the best in the world. Will you prove it?

– I will give you some facts and figures. 98% of the stadiums were full. More than a million fans came from abroad to watch matches and get to know the country. More than 3 billion watched the world on television, and about 1 billion will probably watch the final. It's six times more than the superball. The VAR system has given excellent results. The anti-doping program has not had a positive result in a while, because there are still two more matches. We work against discrimination. But there is also a football side – just a match of the 62nd part finished 0: 0, and there were big fights. From the point of view of the organization, I have no comments and I have been working in this area for over 20 years and this is not what I say – all those who participated in the previous world championships can confirm

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