Five stories of the New Orleans 2018 Open Gears Pro Circuit


One of the best events of the competitive Gears season has ended this year with a grand finale between OpTic Gaming and Echo Fox, and there is plenty to unpack after three days of 'no'. frantic action of Gears.

with a lot of upheaval to start at an unpredictable start and that meant for an even more exciting championship break after the play phase.

For some of the best teams, the event was a chance to prove that their changes had paid off and for a team, most will lick their wounds after this event.

Here are the five main takeaways from Gears New Orleans, to recap the whole drama and excite you for what will happen after the competition.

Team Changes Favored OpTic Gaming

Changes to the OpTic Gaming lineup were one of the big stories to come, KennyBounce and Icy having long gone to join the rivals of Echo Fox

. thus bringing the lurs and prized have made OpTic an even more dominant force than before (if it is even possible), since they have not dropped a single card until the final of the winners.

Finest of the EU managed to take one in the 2-1 defeat just like Echo Fox in the grand finale, but the great OpTic team is back and looks better than ever by taking the trophy.

Finest of the EU are here to stay

Speaking of the best of the EU, it would be wrong to leave them without their own mention. They have more than respected their own name as the only European team to be in the top eight, and the first team to really test OpTic.

After falling into the losers' final, they fought against Echo Fox series, finishing 3rd overall.

Despite being without org, this team proved that sticking together was the best option after leaving Fable and they will likely have plenty of offers from organizations after another impressive performance .

Echo Fox returns to be the greatest challengers

After Ghost Gaming won Gears Vegas and Echo Fox arrived 5-6, it seemed like EF time while the main challengers of dominance OpTic Gaming was coming to an end.

the former OpTic players) seemed to be just the move they needed, as they went on an impressive power-losing support race to find them in a grand final against their sworn enemy.

Ghost Had a Globally Disappointing Event

4th – Ghost Drop Without Ribs

On the other hand, having GODPLAYS in place of Ribs did not work for Ghost, which has started the tournament in a terrible way with a 0-2 day in the pools.
[19659004] They bounced back the second day He won a winning position but was eventually eliminated by Echo Fox and finished fourth.

There are still many promises for the list, but they will know that having such a bad start to the tournament probably cost them in the end.

The next event will be San Diego

And the last thing we learned from Gears New Orleans? Where the Gears Pro Circuit Will Follow

For the first time Gears will head to SoCal, giving all of these teams, perhaps after some reshuffles, a chance to prove that they can resume OpTic, which are of back

And there is also the significant release of 2.8 patches that will seriously affect the competitive game, so who knows, this can tip the balance in favor of some teams.

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