Forecast: the more expensive fuel will increase the cost of bread


The almost 11% increase in natural gas will inevitably lead to an increase in the price of bread, predicts Dimitar Ludjiev, president of the Regional Union of Bread Producers, BurgasNews. He did not hesitate to say how much the increase would be. "Let the first bills come in and then we will have some clarification on the issue.A full estimate will be made and will be decided, but that will happen after a month."

As large corporations work primarily on gas, The increase will happen to them. In addition, they have much higher transportation costs, which have also increased. Small ovens work with electricity and serve small areas. The price of electricity jumped by about 2%, which should not affect them. "They will also decide to raise the price of bread.However, practice shows that for small businesses, the slight increase in energy does not necessarily mean raising the price of bread.On the contrary, there is many examples of bankruptcies in small businesses, with an increase in the price of bread in cases where there is no sharp rise in the flow. "

To our question, how bakers with the ghost companies, Lyudiev replied that this summer the gray sector has almost disappeared. "The big bakeries – the restaurants and hotels have understood and refuse mbadively to be recharged by such ovens.The responsibility is already strictly monitored, and these sites improve.We commented with colleagues, and we rarely see working with the gray area ovens that flood the market mainly during the summer because of seasonal sites.Our sector is almost rid of ghosts, "said Dimitar Ludjiev. [ad_2]
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