Fortnite release date of Android: News download news before the launch of Mobile | Games | Entertainment


The iOS version of Fortnite Mobile proved that there was a lot of potential for the game on new platforms.

$ 100 million in global spend estimated by players on the Apple platform. 90 days on the market

This comes from a free-to-play application that relies on gamers spending money on optional cosmetic items to support it.

And while recent data suggests slower growth on iOS and PC, the release date of Fortnite Android is expected to be another mbadive growth boost for Epic Games.

The big games company did not reveal when they plan to launch their next big mobile port, although there have been rumors of something brewing later

Tencent, the giant gaming company that owns a part of Epic Games, currently occupies the distribution and publishing of the game in China.

And they have just announced a release date for their version of Fortnite Batt. The Royal for the Chinese Market

The date reads on July 24, 2018, and is also related to the company releasing Fortnite on Android in the region as well.

And while this would be consistent with Epic Games' recent claim that they hope to launch Fortnite on Android in the summer of 2018, that does not mean that it will happen in the future. this date.

On the one hand, the image of shared by Tencent includes the Wegame branding, which is a PC and social media platform for the #

The article on social media says nothing to exclude a launch on Android; However, it is likely that we will not see a link with the launch in Western markets.

But if what the development team said in the past is true, we could see the release date of Fortnite Android falling during Season 5.

Epic Games has said in the past that & ## 39, he was hoping to launch Fortnite on Android devices in the summer of 2018.

With this period in mind, it seems quite likely that this coincides with the Android version of Fortnite. [19659002] Season 5 will last a little over ten weeks, which will cover almost the entire summer period.

However, this is not fully guaranteed because the summer traditionally runs until September 23rd.

Epic Games could wait until the official launch of Season 6 to incorporate Android players into Battle Royale.

But from a purely technical point of view, this might seem hard to do for Epic Games

. waiti For a long time, to start playing on their Android phones, there is also the fact that the end of the seasons can also see the traffic of the largest number of servers.

Players are busy completing their combat pbades, so they do not miss it

There is also the fact that Epic Games likes to launch significant cross events towards the end of the seasons.

Plummeting a new platform launch during this hype period would undoubtedly help to create many more server constraints.

There is currently no guarantee on when Epic Games will start deploying the version, although many expect it to be some kind of beta period.

This has been done with the iOS platform and will probably be needed for Android. server problems and surges.

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