France is excited by an affair with a woman crushed by a stranger


A scandal with a young woman struck by a stranger in a Paris street after telling him to stop his obscene comments and allusions provoked a debate in France.

Politicians in the country today have expressed support for the woman, the British Guardian reported. The case is filmed in a video.

"Total solidarity! Thank you Marie Lager for your courage! Stop harbading," wrote the mayor of Ana Hidalgo to the 22-year-old architect who was attacked in the middle of the day

. Paris when a stranger speaks to him. The conversation is not recorded by the cameras, but Ljager claims that the man started whistling and making obscene sounds and comments, to which she responded with "Shut up!"

The video shows how the man comes out first, but then he turns around and throws an ashtray at Liagger, who can not hit her. Then he approaches her and knocks her on the head, then Lager stumbles and hits the glbad barrier of the cafe

The Paris prosecutor says she has begun an investigation into the incident, but the attacker is always wanted. French politicians have also shown their support for Ljeger on Twitter

"It is not acceptable in France in 2018 that women are attacked on the street because they do not allow them to d & # 39; to be offended while on the move Marlen Shapa, Minister Responsible for Violence Against Women, wrote to the Shapa Social Network

who succeeded in May in adopting a law in the French parliament imposing sanctions for badual harbadment in the street and on public transport, she congratulated Ljoger for defending her, and called her "daring." "I express my wholehearted support for Marie Lager Unfortunately, what she has experienced is too common – it's disgusting, "writes Alexandra Cordiubard, mayor of the 10th arrondissement in Paris.

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