Gaff! Face Recognition technology has confused 28 US Congressmen with criminals – BLITZ


Facial recognition technology sold by Amazon programmer wrongly identified 28 US Congressmen as suspected by the police, the US Civil Liberties Union (ACAC) said.

Amazon replied that it disagreed with the parameters of its face detection technology during the audit. However, the findings highlight the risks that people might face if the police used technology in certain ways to capture criminals.

Could AACS and other civil rights organizations require that Amazon stops selling governments to power? Image Recognition Software Organizations have emphasized the use of law enforcement technologies in the US states of Oregon and Florida and have warned that they might unfairly used against immigrants and people who do not have white skin

Their activity has sparked public debate. The president of Microsoft, a competitor of Amazon, earlier this month called on Congress to explore any regulations.

Three Democrats identified during the inspection of the ACGS – Edward Marki, Luis Gutierrez and Marc Desollier – Jeff Bezos, General Manager of Amazon, in which they expressed their concern and asked for information on the accuracy of the technology and its use by the forces of order.

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