George Michael's partner has a different version of his death – Curious


The late George Michael Fadi Fawas gave his version of the death of the musician – he thinks he's committed suicide, writes Sun.

Fadi Fawas for George Michael: Never To Stop Missing Me

Fawaz found the body of a pop artist in his own home. Previously, they were arguing and for this reason Faddy was forced to stay in his car.

– Siglov Freudivan (@DerangedRadio) July 20, 2018

According to Faust George Michael was very painfully survived by the death of his mother, who died of cancer in 1997. The singer was suicide on her birthday on December 24th. He had to make five attempts to take his life

announced the cause of the death of George Michael

The family of George Michael fought back to the statement of Fadi Fawaz that he was committed suicide

– Mirror Celeb (@MirrorCeleb) July 22, 2018

According to the official version George Michael died on December 25, 2016 and his death was caused by heart failure.

The former Fadi Fawaz of George Michael calls his death a suicide; the singer's family slams him!

– Nitish Shekhar (@ nitzrulzx412) July 22, 2018

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