Orban talks with Merkel in Berlin, the differences on migration remain
Sebastian Kurtz (left) and Horst Zeehofer during their meeting today in Vienna. Sebastian Kurtz (left) and Horst Zeehofer at their meeting today in Vienna -> Next week, a meeting between the Ministers of the Interior of Italy, Austria and Germany will take place in the Austrian city of Innsbruck. This will trigger negotiations with Greece and Italy to take back registered migrants and filed protections there but will continue their journey towards the EU to the north This was announced by the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz and German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who met in Vienna on Thursday Seehofer, quoted by BTA, said that Germany intends to send back illegal migrants at the border within 48 hours of arriving in the country. He added that preparations are not directed against neighboring Austria Germany and Austria have been maintaining real cooperation for decades. We have never wanted Austria to take responsibility for the migrants for which it is not responsible, Zehepher said. We will negotiate with Greece and Italy on the pbadage of illegal migration. Migrants who have been registered and applied for asylum in Greece and Italy and who are coming to Germany will move to areas of transition to bring them back to Rome and Athens. This will greatly contribute to the crossing of illegal migration. If negotiations fail, we must think of other measures, said the German minister. We have been able to clarify many details, said Kurtz. Germany will not take action to the detriment of Austria. We will unite our efforts against illegal migration and the migratory movements of migrants. The Austrian Chancellor explained that our goal was to close the door to Mediterranean migration, the German Interior Minister said Thursday, convinced that the partners of the center-left coalition would support the creation of cross-border transit centers. for migrants. These centers are set out in the agreement reached between the Christian Democrat Party of Angela Merkel and the Christian Social-Union Saehofer settlement of immigration policy disputes that threatened to overthrow the government, reported Reuters . German Chancellor Angela Merkel's tripartite coalition just three months after taking office In a speech to German legislators, Zehepher defended the plan to keep migrants wishing to travel from Austria to Germany transit. The idea is to dismiss those who have already registered elsewhere in the EU The left-wing German Social Democratic Party, which must approve the plan for it to come into force , expressed concern that the closure of asylum seekers from such centers would violate their civil rights and freedoms Seehofer stated that the centers would be constituted in accordance with the constitution allowing newcomers to be detained during 48 hours at checkpoints "We reached an agreement after debate and I am confident that we will reach an agreement with the SPD," he said. "Our constitution states that (migrants) must be returned within 48 hours, there will therefore be no closed centers, "added Seehofer Austria proposes to European border guards to act outside of the EU The Chanc Elier Austrian said earlier today that as President of the EU Council, his country supports the possibility for European border guards to operate outside the Community. The process of rethinking migration policy, being proposals, he added at a news conference. Kurz noted that, according to measures taken by Germany at the Austrian border, Vienna should go back. We have been hearing about migration for years. We need a common goal. Until now, we have been arguing about resettlement, and now for the first time we have come together on the issue of protecting the external borders and it is a positive development. European border guards should have the power to act outside the EU. We support the creation of legal immigration routes in the EU, said Kurtz. We have always been skeptical about the migration of migrant quotas. We must continue to work on changing the Dublin rules. I was very criticized when I proposed migration centers outside the EU two years ago, said the Chancellor. Orban and Merkel – Prime Minister Viktor Orban stressed their differences over the issue of migration, although he said he was ready to continue speaking, he said. At a joint press conference in Berlin, Merkel said that he wished to preserve the humanity of Europe. "Maybe that's what separates us (with Orban)," she said. The Prime Minister replied that Hungary's position has not changed since the country closed its border for floods in 2015. He stressed that his government is considering the deployment of 8,000 border guards Hungarian for a "fairly good solidarity" from Hungary and other EU members [19659006] Merkel recognizes that the protection of the EU's external borders is "important and justified". EU countries must accept some of the migrants, which Hungary refuses to do Germany wants to extend its cooperation with Hungary in the framework of joint projects to protect the external borders of the EU EU, but overall, the views of both parties on migration are fundamentally different, said Merkel. here our views are quite different, "said the German chancellor." If Europe wants to play a role in the world because of its values, it must not be isolated, "said Chancellor, [19659010AccordingtoherHungaryshouldnotacceptotherEUcountrieswereregisteredonitsterritoryAccordingtothePrimeMinistertheresponsibilitylieswiththegovernmentsofothercountriesthattheyhave Merkel added that both parties are cooperating in the Frontex Border Service and in humanitarian aid and projects in North Africa "Such cooperation should be extended and continued", said Merkel Orban called on Ms Merkel to work together to organize the reception of migrants outside the EU.The creation of migrant reception centers outside the EU. Union is impossible without the help of the German authorities " The creation of migrant reception centers is a long-standing goal of Hungary, but without the help of Chancellor Merkel, "he said. The Hungarian leader also noted that the views of Hungary and Germany on migration vary widely. He pointed out that the best way to eliminate Europe's "attractiveness factor" for migrants is to close the borders. Orban said that removing incentives for migrants to come to the mainland would be the most the best way for the EU to show humanity Reuters notes that the press conference was tense and marked by unusually bright differences Would you like this article? We will be happy if you support the Mediapool.bg electronic publishing to be able to continue in the future you can count on an independent, professional and fair information and badysis media Support us
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