Google banned cryptographic apps on the Google Play Store


Last month Apple banned applications related to the extraction of cryptocells from App Store . The updated Apple rules prevent users iPhone from performing calculations to earn virtual currency unless they are run using the cloud. Today is the order of Google . The giant has often updated its Android developer development policies for the Google Play Store and now there are encryption applications

The long list of features that will automatically lead to this one application is prohibited on the Google Play Store, including everything related to the operating process . However, applications will be allowed to handle such action remotely. CryptoLogging involves the solution of complex mathematical formulas to help confirm agreement in a block.

Google states that it will immediately remove any application that "offers badual content to minors" or is intended for children but includes adult content. Applications illustrating child badual abuse will be reported to law enforcement officers, and these developers and app distributors will be removed from their Google accounts

. Hate, violence, self-harm, discrimination, based on various factors such as badual orientation or gender, also remain at sea. This also includes the demands of Terrorist organizations. Google Play does not allow the display of applications dealing with fraudulent financial instruments or dealing with binary options or "all or nothing" financial gaming. The image at the bottom of this article shows two examples of ads disguised as system notifications. Apps containing this type of content are not allowed on Google Play

Other prohibited apps are those that deal with badual behavior such as alleged badual poses, promotion of bad toys. , promotion of escort services or all paid badual services. Applications that benefit from natural disasters, death or other tragedies are not allowed on Google Play

Apps dealing with illegal activities, such as the sale, cultivation and production of illicit products Medicines (including encouraging the use of over-the-counter drugs). Finally, applications that collect user data without disclosing such use in advance are also prohibited.

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