Grandfathers from around the world gathered at a congress (PHOTOS) – Curious


While people in one part of Europe suffer from heat, grandfathers around the world "dragged" their traditional dresses and gathered at their annual congress in Copenhagen, England. Denmark

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The conference gives participants the opportunity to get to know each other, meet fans and get in shape for Christmas – the busiest day of the year. This year, at the three-day Congress held for the 61st time, more than 150 grandfathers from different countries – from the United States to Japan – participate

Traditionally, the meeting takes place in summer when participants are on vacation . At the conference, they have the opportunity to discuss important issues in their work, such as gifts or weight requirements. >

An important part of the event are meetings with fans and especially with children. The program also includes a tourist parade, including the statue of the Little Mermaid, as well as obstacle races

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