Greece brings extraordinary help because of fires, was arrested


<img clbad = "photo" src = "" itemprop = "image" id = "image_in_article" width = "590" alt = "Four people aged 22 to 26 have already been arrested in Greece because of the fire that ravaged Attica." One of the most common rumors spread about how the fires started is that Russian spies fired them – after the decision of Athens to expel Russian diplomats.Oficially, no Greek institution has commented on these rumors

A disaster, a disaster, said deputy mayor Raffina Vasilis Pistaki, after the victims of the great fire have already been 81 people.

According to him, as of today (July 26) begins to pay damages for the victims of the inflamed element. Initially, they will rise to 5,000 euros for families, 6,000 euros for families with more than three children and 8,000 euros for entrepreneurs whose business is burned. In addition, electricity bills will be simplified since January, and local taxes and property tax will not be charged to victims. However, no help will be given immediately, Piasaki told Nova TV.
Speaking on Greek television Skai, Raffa Evangelos Bournus, the mayor, said he feared that the victims would exceed 100 people. It is categorical – 98% of the village of Matti is burned, 50% of another city – Kokino Limanaki, are also burned. 60 people remain in the hospital and 11 are in intensive care, according to official information from the Greek Ministry of Health.

More than 200 houses are burned, according to information from the Greek Ministry of Regional Development. 211 houses can not be inhabited, and 234 are badly damaged and need to be repaired. More than 125 were burned in the streets of Mati.

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