Green | More and more supermarkets and restaurants stop plastic straws and ear sticks


<img alt = "A number of major chain stores, businesses and restaurants are announcing that they are banning or ceasing to sell disposable plastic products as soon as possible. restrictions on plastic straws, plates, cups, forks, spoons and ear sticks, which have a very short life and create a large amount of hazardous waste that can not In the wave of plastic, for example, supermarkets such as Lidl, the German fast-food restaurants Rewe and McDonald's

. One of the main reasons for this plastic repulsion is the fact that it is not the same. increased plastic waste in the oceans and seas of the world and microplasms the environment and life in the seas, which directly affects people.The main source of this hazardous waste in the ocean is the plastic Disposable .The subject has become particularly hot in recent months. The European Union is launching a package of new measures and bans on some disposable plastic products that will come into force in the near future and companies are preparing plans and strategies to respect these restrictions

The German supermarket chain Rewe has announced Wednesday to load disposable plastic straws into its 6,000 stores, reported Reuters. Thus, the chain prevents the sale of 42 million single-use straws each year, calculates the company.

The chain that runs the Rewe, Penny and Toom stores will no longer be replenished with disposable straws and the company's decision is effective immediately.

The company will offer reusable alternatives made from materials such as paper, wheat and stainless steel from the beginning of next year

The Lidl chain has recently announced that it would reduce by 20%% of the plastic used until 2025. Now, the company is also taking concrete steps to achieve this goal. The first is to stop the sale of plastic products such as straws, glbades, dishes and disposable utensils, as well as plastic earmuffs, available in the country's 89 stores at the end of 2019.
Lidl also plans to sell the purchased quantities of disposable plastic products and gradually switch to the sale of alternative materials made from recyclable materials that the company is currently developing with its partners and suppliers

The company follows the strategy to reduce the use of plastic by Lidl, namely – The strategy focuses on a program that closes the production cycle – a wider demand for recyclable materials, the introduction of renewable resources and systems reuse. This will prevent the use and disposal of a huge amount of plastic that can not be recycled. "

" With the discontinuation of the use of disposable plastic products, we contribute to improving the balance of the environment, "said Milena Dragiiska, Executive Director of Lidl Bulgaria [19659009] [ad_2]
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