Hammond just got angry on the Overwatch PTR


The latest Wrecking Ball from Overwatch – we prefer to call him Hammond – got a nerve today on the game's test server.

Hammond was added to Overwatch PTR June 28 after a week-long hunt for clues set up by Blizzard. Everyone knew that Hammond was coming, but we had not realized that Hammond was, in fact, a hamster. An inhabitant of the moon like Overwatch Winston hero, Hammond escaped attached to the space gorilla capsule, but landed in Junkertown. There is where he changed his rescue ball / hamster into a formidable combat unit. But apparently, it was too formidable. A Overwatch a cosplayer has already created a Hammond costume

Blizzard reduces the movement speed of Hammond Grappling Claw's ability from 22 meters per second to 20 meters per second. It's not a huge nerve, but given the speed with which his hamster ball was before, it's probably going to make it a little more reasonable. (He was able to bypbad the very map quickly using his power boost.)

The Grappling Claw ability is an essential part of Hammond's movement kit, which allows him to swing around. the map. to start fighting.

A new buff at EMP capacity of Sombra can also be called a nerve at Hammond; his EMP now disables nearby Hammond Minefield mines for 10 seconds. This slight adjustment will give the enemy teams a brief moment to repel a minefield, thanks to Sombra.

Related: Other changes of Sombra arrive at Overwatch PTR [19659002] But overall, Sombra has also undergone some changes, all of which have was announced by the developer Overwatch Geoff Goodman earlier in the week. In addition to the EMP buff, Sombra Hack's ability can now stop reloading, and its Translocator can now be destroyed with the Interact key without looking at the device. In the same way, the sound signal heard by the enemies had its reduced level. Basically, she does not scream anymore.

The last adjustment is to its infinite stealth ability, just slightly nerfing. The detection radius of Stealth has been reduced to two meters by four meters. Sombra simply can not get close to his enemies without giving up.

As with most Overwatch adjustments there is no timeline for when they will be uploaded to the live game. Hammond is still pretty new to the PTR, so we expect a few weeks of testing.

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