Harley moves to Asian markets with new lighter engines :: Investor.bg


  Harley-Davidson CEO Matt Levatich has launched an aggressive growth strategy for the company, which is to expand its Harley-Davidson product portfolio to Asian markets with new, lighter engines [19659002] a new platform for 500 and 1250 average cubic bikes for emerging Asian markets </p>
	  Harley will launch a new platform for 500 and 1250 cubic bikes medium for the emerging Asian markets by 2020. </p>
	  ] "We will double the production of an existing products We will invest in a brand new medium-duty modular chbadis platform and optimized engine technology," said Levatic. </p>
	  The Harley Action fell by nearly 13% at the end of the year and profits fell, as the company struggled to find buyers among its customers who turned away from big bikes because of high prices World sales growth of 0.7% in the second quarter was not enough to offset the 6.4% drop in sales in the United States </p>
	  The company is focused on Europe and Europe. Asia, particularly in India and China, plans to launch its first Electric Motorcycle LiveWire next year as well as additional modules by 2022. </p>
	  Harley is investing more and more in non-US production facilities to reduce the impact of duties imposed on his business </p>
	  "We do because we believe these measures are important for growth" Levatic said: </p>
	  In June, Harley announced that <strong> would export its European production outside the United States </strong> because of the repressive rights imposed by the administration of President Donald Trump. </p>
	  Prior to the customs case, Harley engines were taxed at 6 percent. After Donald Trump 's rights on aluminum and steel, this percentage rose to 31% </p>
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