The Swedish furniture manufacturer Ikea today announced that it was pulling around 45,000 folding tables sold worldwide, with their tense board likely to fall, the French press reported.
"The download only concerns GLIVARP white mbades sold after January 1, 2017," the channel said. The message comes after about 50 alerts to users who have been alerted to the detachment and drop of the mbad lengthening chart. Six people were injured and three of them need "medical care," AFP spokeswoman Thérèse Fagerstedt told AFP.
45,563 Glavarp mbades have been sold worldwide since January 2017 – priced at 249 euros each (199 euros for the smallest model), announced the company. Owners of Glivepar tables are welcome to bring them back to the stores for compensation.
The store site of the Swedish company in Bulgaria indicates that the following two models are: 20334700 GLIVARP and 50334708 GLIVARP, writes monitoring.bg. IKEA invites users who have purchased the respective table in one of two available sizes (125 / 188x85cm and 125 / 115x70cm) after February 2017 to return it to IKEA where the funds for the purchase will be refunded in full or will be able to to be paid. replace it with another similar product.
You do not need to submit a cash on receipt or product replacement receipt.
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