Ilhan Musk: Evil, Good and Evil


Businessman Ilane Musk is known for his impeccable hacker campaigns that attract the interest of millions of people around the world. However, on Twitter, the engineer reacted ironically and even brutally to those who allowed him to criticize him

The Pedophile of Thailand

One of the last scandals in which Mukk did not manifest in its best light is the rescue. children from the Thai cave, where they were stuck for two weeks. The billionaire created a small submarine to take them out and went to Thailand. The authorities refused to badist him on the grounds that his decision would not work under the specific cave, but thanked for the visit and appreciated the submarine's high technology. Meanwhile, British diver Vernon Answorth, who lives in Thailand and is participating in the rescue campaign, has described Ilan Musk's invention as "advertising stuff". "His decision was doomed to failure, he did not even know what this cave was," said the Briton. In his words, the general manager of Tesla spent some time on the scene, after which the authorities asked him to leave.

The engineer did not ignore the diver's attack, saying on Twitter that he had not seen this British mercenary operation. "The" Thai "sea seals took us alone to the cave, which is the opposite of the claim that they were supposedly expelled," said Musk, who also asked Answorth to provide him with video of the final rescue

However, in his latest tweet, the American decided not to wait for the video. "You know what, do not bother to search the video, we are preparing our submarine to enter cave # 5 without any problem. "" Excuse me, pedophile, but you asked for it yourself, "wrote Muss, and when one of the social network users asked him why he was treating him pedophile, the engineer immediately replied, "I bet it's such a dollar.After a while, the visibly soothing billionaire has removed all his messages related to the diver.But, as we know, the Internet remembers everything, and Answorth has already stated that he had Mukk intends to sue Mukk.

As soon as he declared his desire to go to Thailand, it was said that Mukk was actually trying to make himself known in the context of the tragedy. Such an affirmation is difficult to prove but also to refute. With his exceptional skills as a marketer, the engineer, Mouss, likes to solve complex tasks that seem unresolved for others. In the history of the Thai cave, he could have remained the hero who answered the call for help, staying in the shadow of the men who took the children and their trainer . But he was misled by his self-esteem and low threshold of tolerance for criticism.

After the end of the operation, one of the Twitter users asked him to stop using any emergency situation. The businessman, of course, could not dare: "I can be a narcissus, but in the end I'm in favor." When another accused him of sucking from Money from around the world for his projects, he noted that he had created 300,000 jobs, and once again attacked: "What did you do?"

The Unicorn volley

Although Ilane Musk communicates with everyone on his Twitter page, he rarely admits that he is wrong.In June, he was arrested for intellectual property theft after he started to use a unicorn image to promote his electric vehicles Tesla

It is a fact that before, Musk bought a glbad with such an image of the artist Tom Edwards network. Then he began to use the drawing in the presentation of the cars and even redesigned it.Then the artist 's daughter Lisa Prank intervened, who accused Muss of stealing the image and the l & # 39; use for one's own purposes. Instead of apologizing, Musk replied that the family could sue him, but "it would be a little stupid". The alleged allegations of Edward would be ridiculous, because that is so that cup sales have increased. Then the billionaire blocks Lisa Prank on her Twitter page The Misleading Media

Ilan Musk's dealings with contemporary media are almost as difficult as those of President Donald Trump. Perhaps because journalists criticize Tesla instead of congratulating her. After such an article on the Business Insider portal, Muss launched a real lawsuit against its author, Linett Lopez, who reported that defective battery packs had been installed in "Model 3". In response, the engineer said that the reporter had already written some "fake articles" about Tesla that did not correspond to reality.

Lopes complains that Muss digs into his old Facebook posts and shares information with his friends. "If you are an investor or a Tesla employee, you will have to live with it," the reporter wrote. The billionaire did not miss this tweet, saying the cries were sent to him by people who did not work for him but who did not like hypocrites

The listed examples could discredit everyone but not Ilan Musk, whose fiduciary credit is too high at the moment. Which does not change the fact that sometimes his reactions to Twitter are literally on the edge

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