Iliev: Kabakov misses a goal for Levski – BG Football – First League


Georgi Iliev, the Black Sea midfielder, won the prize for a player after Levski (2: 2). The captain of the "sailors" was not very happy with the final result after reporting that there had been a mistake of Chief Judge Georgi Kabakov in the second goal of Levski. According to the captain of the Black Sea, Iliya Dimitrov was attacked by Plamen Dimov and Yulo Konongo, but the main referee did not judge a foul

"There was a foul against our player but l & rsquo; Referee missed it tactically.We also made a rough mistake because Conongo had to leave McKenjiev's ball, but if there is a foul, it will not be such a mistake. We played a good game and we gave ourselves the best, I'm sorry, we got scared in the second half, trying to keep the score, we made mistakes that Levsky did not take advantage of. began to grow in a row, which made us comfortable and could take the three points, but unfortunately we have not, "were the first words of the Black Sea captain at DIEMA SPORT.

"We have scored two fine goals, we tolerate the individual mistakes that put pressure on our team, we just need to work, football is a game of mistakes and we have to clear them." Levsky admitted. , and the reaction behind them is important.The coach will say what we need to improve.We must unite the team at the technical and sports level.There are moments that have disagreements and imbalance between the lines. Every day is an opportunity to work Radoslav Vbadilev is missing, and everyone is important in our composition, especially one who has put a lot of it ", concluded Georgi Iliev

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