Ilon Musk is excused from a British diver, whom he had previously called a pedophile


Ilona Musk apologizes to Vernneunzurt, British expert in cave diving, who participated in the 12 Thai children's rescue operations and their football coach, the global agencies reported. Earlier, the billionaire called the British pedophile, reported the BTA.

After the end of the operation, Ozworth said that the minesweeper proposed by the minesweepers to save the children from the flooded cave in which they were stranded had no chance. was just an "attempt to attract the attention of the media". In response, the billionaire identified him as a "pedophile" on Twitter

After posting the tweety, which Mssk later cleared, Tesla's shares fell by nearly 3 percent. "I spoke in a tantrum after Mr. Unwart said some untruths and offered to commit badual activities with the minesweeper that was built as an event of humanity and according to the specifications of the director of the diving team, "wrote Muss. "However, his actions against me do not justify my actions against him, and so I apologize to Unesworth and the companies I represent as boss," said the billionaire, quoted by DPA [19659005].

In a tweed, called Unsurf pedophile, the billionaire also said that the submarine would work and promised to make a video to prove it

The Thai government did not use the submarine to the rescue operation she reminds AFP.

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