Ilon Musk sent engineers to the cave in Thailand, divers ready for evacuation (Obzor)


Rescuers carry bottles of oxygen in the cave. PHOTO: RIETERS

Rescuers have broken more than a hundred holes in the surface of the flooded cave in Thailand, where for 12 weeks 12 children were stranded and their coach, the agencies said. Unfortunately, rescuers are still unable to know exactly where the students are in the football team. Some of the openings have a depth of 400 meters, but the experts do not have the equipment to determine where the 13 people are, says the head of the crisis staff, Narongsak Osottanakom, also governor of Chiang province Rai. He said that divers are ready to begin evacuation soon. The danger for children increases not only because of the expected new leaks, but also because of the reduction of oxygen in the cave at the expense of carbon dioxide

Every engineer is sent by the American billionaire Ilon Musk , owner of the space company. Space Ex "to badess if a tunnel could be made to evacuate children." Mukk wrote in a tweeting that a system of underwater tunnels built with nylon tubes of a diameter of one meter could be created as an alternative to rock drilling.The pipes will be filled with air as "bouncy castle", describes Muss .It waits for the arrival of two large groups of divers and the rescue operation can The next three to four days were the most appropriate

In the first letter sent by the caged clerk, the 25-year-old coach wanted the children's forgiveness and the little footballers wrote that they were good and that their loved ones were missing.One of the children asks to go out, the teachers do not give them lots of animals, another orders a roast chicken, and a third wants to take him to a barbecue restaurant




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