Intel confirms that 10nm production is on track, 10nm processors will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2019


Intel finally got all its ducks in a row and announced that the 10nm processors will be ready to launch by Holiday 2019. The news surpbaded Intel's announcement of its record earnings for the second quarter of 2018, confirming to investors that 10nm

Intel 's production problems and the 10nm node have been well documented, which allowed AMD to switch from Intel to the 7nm even before it' s. Intel can have 10nm on the market. After many delays, Intel is now targeting a launch for its 10nm processors in the second half of 2019. Specifically, Holiday 2019 is the planned launch window.

10nm mbad production will begin in the first half of 2019, offering Intel plenty of time to ambad stock before a launch later in the year. These 10nm chips will be faster and more energy efficient than their current 14nm counterparts and will represent Intel's first process retraction process since 2014.

In addition to the 10nm launch in 2019, Intel also reported that it still had another generation of 14nm processors to boot. This will be Intel's latest 14nm chips, so it might be wise to expect the 2019 T4 for 10nm if you start to consider upgrading.

Of course we are waiting for an Intel 9th ​​Gen ad every day. Virtually the entire range of processors has now leaked in a certain way, with all the signs pointing to HyperThreading being now exclusive to the top-of-the-line Core i9 processors.

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