Intel shuts down the work of the 5G modem after Apple decides not to use it


Apple reportedly informed the giant Intel processor that it would not use the latter's 5G modems in its 2020 mobile devices, which would lead to an interruption in their production.

The Israeli website Calcalist said that he had seen Intel's internal communications about the issue and also talked to people said to be familiar with the subject .

He said that the further development of the modem, known internally as "Sunny Peak" had been stopped and the staff involved would be directed to other efforts. The device, a 5G product, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, has been specifically designed for future smartphones and other mobile devices from Apple.

Calcalist's Intel communications described Apple as the "key mobile client" of the 5G mobile modem. Expects that Apple will be the "main volume driver" for the product.

Apple would have faced "a huge effort" to launch 5G in its mobile devices, Intel Communications said, adding that the decision not to use the Intel modem was due to "many factors. "

Using a new Wi-Fi standard known as WiGig (802.11ad) in "any mobile product brings new and unexpected challenges," the communications said.

Intel told the site that it has not commented on its LEARN HOW TO REDUCE YOUR RISK OF CYBER ATTACK

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