Investors slapped Tesla's slap


A number of Wall Street companies are not at all impressed by the fact that Tesla has finally begun to achieve its planned production volumes for the new Model 3.

still worried about the financial situation of the company

Monday, Tesla announced that he produced 5,000 units of Model 3 in the last week of the second quarter

However, the man Billionaire 's business, Ilon Musk, did not reach the target set for the quarter taking 40,740 new plant cars However, the forecast was about 51,000 new cars for the quarter.

Tesla shares fell 7.2% during the session yesterday. The reason was that the company had decided not to brake and roll on the new model 3 cars because it felt that they were not necessary

"Every car we make pbades through rigorous quality controls and must meet stringent specifications, including brake tests.

To be very clear, we drive each model 3 on our test track to check the brakes, the torque, and so on. "Time is running out, and most of the promises made by the Tesla electric car company," Tesla told CNBC, "is it time to remove the pink glbades when talking about Tesla?" are not yet achieved

At the Monday meeting, the stock price depreciated by 2.3% after opening early in the day to a growth of 5%

According to Reuters, Tesla has redirected workers from other ministries, including the S model, to achieve their model 3 goals.

Goldman Sachs are not impressed by the According a Wall Investor Street, Tesla shares will fall even further after the company has announced its financial results for the current year. the second quarter of this year

From Citi Research indicate that Tesla's ads do not significantly change its financial position.

Muss: Tesla has just become a real car company Tesla seems to be entering the right path

However, not everyone is negative about Tesla reached the target of 5,000 Model 3 during the last week of the quarter, which is an important event that we believe will restore opportunities and profitability positions of the company in the second half of the year. The Tesla stock rose 8% over the end of last year against a 2% rise in the S & P 500 index for the same period

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