Ivan Goranov: Rossi? He is already in the history (video) – Levski – BG Football


Lev Gorski captain Ivan Goranov confessed after a spectacular 1-0 win against Botev in Plovdiv, that everyone in the "blue" holds an important place in the first round of the Europa League. The 26-time Bulgarian champion almost disappointed his fans, but with a goal in the added time of youth, Iliya Dimitrov took all the points

"A very important win for us. put in this difficult situation from which we had to go out.It is easier to surrender after what has happened to us.But we are the Levski and in any match we have to win the victory.With a match, it will be difficult to forget what happened against Vaduz, but with perseverance and a lot of desire, we can erase this unpleasant memory.I thank Georgi Todorov and Todor Simov for the strength and faith that inspired us " , said the captain of the "blues"

  Botev Pd - Levski @@@

"We do not know yet who will be the new coach of Levski.Each specialist has different requirements and we will try to we adapt to it, "badured G Oranov, then he made a curious statement to former coach Delio Rossi: "We did not see each other after it was clear that he was leaving. Rossi is already in the story. Looking to the future "

– Botev LEVSKI minute by minute
B League standings
programs from the following program matches BOTEV (PA)
LEVSKI matches

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