Jeff Bezos is the richest man in modern history ::


  Jeff Bezos is the richest man in modern history

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in modern history. The rogue state of has surpbaded the $ 150 billion trading in New York on Monday morning (local time) according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index. That's about $ 55 billion more than the world's second largest wealth – Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, writes Bloomberg.

Bezos, 54, ahead of Gates in adjusted terms for inflation

$ 100 billion, which Gates reached in 1999 at the height of the Internet bubble, rose to about $ 149 billion today. # 39; hui. This makes the CEO of Amazon richer than anyone on Earth since at least 1982 when Forbes released his wealth ranking.

Bezos crossed the border as Amazon was preparing to launch its 36-hour summer sale called Prime Day.

The company's share price reached $ 1825.73 at 11:10 am local time in New York, up 56% this year, bringing Bezos to wealth

His condition has increased $ 52 billion this year. Dina, who is more than all the wealth of Mukesh Ambani, the newly richer man in Asia.

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