Joseph's Own Political Goal – Positions


With his support for Erdogan, the footballer shares the German fans

Maria Stoyanova, BNT, especially for Standard

It is unusual that a player's decision to withdraw from the team at the center of new politics, not in sport. This happened to Mesut Jossil. This is due to the fact that he is much more than an athlete. It's a symbol. It symbolized, until two months ago, the successful integration. The player of Turkish origin contributed to the sporting glory of the largest European country. In his attempt to explain his decision to withdraw from the Bundestim, he wrote a sentence that settled in consciousness. It reads: "When I won with the German team, they looked at me as a German, and when I lost, I was an immigrant." These words are filled with insult, disappointment, bitterness. Germany has a latent problem with racism. For a long time this problem has been removed, but all foreigners have experienced it. A sense of difference is considered a personal problem for which the person feeling it is responsible. The referee is not responsible. On the one hand, Mesut Iosil turned the point of view by focusing the emotion generated by the difference. On the other hand, Messut did not simply withdraw from the German national team, he "broke" his contract with the Football Union of the Federal Republic and the German fan [19659004] who remains alone for this same Joseph

in 2014 and who was waiting for an explanation of two months, why he fired with the Turkish president. The whole drama begins with a picture. Mesut Oosil with a shirt from his team, Arsenal, UK, stared at Turkish President Erdogan. The event was produced in a London hotel in the middle of an election campaign for Erdogan's extraordinary vote to conquer power. This same Erdogan holds journalists in jail, whose guilt is that they work as journalists and ask questions. This same Erdogan holds innocent prisoners. And with this same Erdogan, Mesut Özil, the German footballer, the German personality, symbol of a successful integration, preferred to pose. The photo, published by the Erdogan party – AKP, caused a commotion, caused a flaw between the fans and the entire German national team. That's why their support during the matches in Russia went bad. Iosil did not even try to explain. Only a week after finishing the World Cup, he appeared on social networks

through English, not German!

True, he plays in the UK, and probably thinks that English is a neutral language, and would also be preferred by his managers, by the team he works with. Because it is clear that the three pages of explanations have not come out of the foot of the footballer himself. It is difficult, in this case, to say who is good and report the bad guy. However, there are many losers – the German fans who are now divided, because among them there are also those of Turkish origin. Naturally, they support Joséphine Solidarity. Among them, Germans who have been fans of the 29-year-old footballer. Those who have expected exactly such symbols are also losers. It's about those in Turkey – innocent people who think that their state should evolve as Germany grows. For them, Germany is a dream and Yosil is one of them. Maybe only President Erdogan is profitable. And not by chance, he and his ministers publicly and demonstratively expressed their support for the decision of the player. Not once, Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to Germany and called the diaspora, which is about 2.5 million, to oppose the "attempts of badimilation" of the Federal Republic. Thus, in the end, Mesut Iosil remains a symbol of the need to resist racism and tries to separate the Turkish communities from the societies of the countries that live

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