Julian Vergov returns to "Stolen Life", Anna Papadopoulou plays his wife


Julian Vergov and Anna Papadopoulou are a family in the 6th season of the stolen life. PICTURE: ARCHIVE

Producer Evtim Miloshev starts shooting a children's series for BNT

Three TV series will be shot this summer by producer Evtim Miloshev. The work for the sixth season of "Stolen Life" for Nova TV began

At the end of the month Miloshev goes to Bankya where he will shoot the children's series "Rumba, me and Ronaldo" for the Bulgarian National Television [19659006] will shoot for the 13th season of "Stolichani in addition" for the BBC

Until then Miloshev will attempt to organize several days of shooting in Germany for Julian Vergov, who returns to "Stolen life" after a season release. The actor himself announced this on facebook by writing: "The images of" stolen life "have started. Good luck to Associate Professor Bankov and to the team."

The new episodes will show the Experience of the doctor in Germany, who goes there at the end of the fourth season because his wife woke up with a coma. Now, both will be among the stars of the show since Vergov will not come back alone. In the role of his wife Eve enters the actress Anna Papadopoulou

"We were waiting for Annie twice in the show and she was still engaged.The third time we managed to get her on the set ", tells Miloshev at 24 hours

The actress calls her cousin anesthetist to ask her how to play a woman awakened by a coma. And he exclaimed, "Will you be Julian's wife, who is waiting for a whole season to wake up?" Papadopoulou related his first film

. Other popular actors enter the series, but their names will be released later. One reason for new additions is the fact that two of the actresses are likely to be missing because of their motherhood. Ralitsa Paskaleva has already given birth to Daria Simeonova

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