Kazakh authorities hold the two suspects in the murder of Dennis Ten – Winter Sports


Authorities in Kazakhstan reportedly arrested two suspects in the murder of fighter Dennis Tenn, who died on Thursday

Arman Kudayergenov, who is the second suspect in the crime, was arrested, reports Tengrinews.kz. He already has a conditional arrest for two months. The first badbadin, Nural Kiyazov, was arrested earlier today. He has already testified in which he has acknowledged his guilt. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev met on the phone with the parents of figurines and promised the guilty parties that this crime should be punished with all the severity of the law.


– Sports-Express (@sportexpress) July 20, 2018 [19659004] Ten, 25 years old, bronze medalist at the 2014 Sochi Olympics and two medalists from around the world , was stabbed after being attacked by two people trying to steal the mirrors from his car. The young athlete lost a lot of blood, which led to death

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