Kim Basinger revealed details of Bieber's wedding


Haley Baldwin's aunt, 90-year-old Kimon Basinger, revealed that the bride-to-be had already chosen her bridesmaids. This is his sister Alia and his cousin Ireland.

A 21-year-old blonde connects with pop sensation Justin Bieber just three weeks ago, but preparations for her marriage are quite advanced, they write about

Basinger told the media: " Oh, it will be a fun wedding, Alia and Ireland are actively involved in the organization, so trust me, it will be just a big party! "

The 64-year-old actress is the 24-year-old mother-comes from her marriage with Alec Baldwin. Haley and her older sister, Alia, 25, are the children of actor Stephen Baldwin, Alec's younger brother.

Kim also says that he thought that Justin was a cool boy and that he prayed for their love with Hailey. to be filled with happiness. The star revealed that the wedding would not be very lush, but rather intimate, a family celebration to be held next year

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