Konstantin Papazov managed to bring the national team up to 20 years to the quarter finals of the European Championship in Division B. Here is what the mentor shared after the dramatic victory over Estonia with 58-56:
"I am really satisfied, we, Slovakia and Estonia, have equal chances." The character of the boys and the public is why they are in the top eight, not undeserved. The fact is that we only have one guard, from there the problems arise when Lachezar Dimitrov is tired Martin Kotsev helps as much as possible 19659006 Many fight and play in defense I'm realistic, in the eight first teams are from another clbad We will not give up, of course We must calm down, we can not be ashamed of this result, and we must admit that these teams are of a higher clbad but we will not abandon our ambition, but on the contrary, it will be easier for us, Bulgarians against stronger teams.
Their abilities are those that appear here. Surely they can and more, but shifted with the mind and the character. With this percentage of the troika, things can not happen. We must be grateful for the attitude of the boys. The team is well prepared and makes a lot of counterattack, which gives it a good 2 points.
In the situation, we must be happy, but we have some satisfaction. We give a fair share because our reserves can not yet give us the peace of mind for a longer rotation
The public has had a decisive presence at this critical moment, "concluded Papasov., T, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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