Leila Hathaway opened the A to Jazz festival in Sofia


Her beautiful voice is a delight to the public, but Leila Hathaway's talent extends again. Artist, composer, producer, DJ – she only needs more time to have fun with everything she knows.

Leila Hathaway, singer: I feel very lucky for the Grammy Awards I have won and I hope to add others to them. I really love music and what I do, and it's even more fun to know that they hear me and respect me. The feeling is wonderful! There is no difference between the first time you win the Grammy and the next. You always stand in your place and your heart beats a lot, and all around you is slow … and then for a moment you hear your name. The excitement is always the same!

Enjoy jazz festivals to meet friends and travel. The invitation of A to JazZ in Bulgaria to present his latest album. He sings there the end of a dream

Leila Hathaway, singer: It is important to know how we perceive music. There are no sad songs for me – they talk about love and relationships, but most of all they are a way to communicate and sometimes even withstand sadness. Most of the love is sad, but without sadness, there is no joy. I hope my music will inspire people

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