The King's Court in Woolwich, East of London, condemns the British citizen Husainin Rashid, who claims the life imprisonment of a four-year-old Prince George
" Your message was clear: you were giving the name and address of Prince George's School, a photograph of the Prince George School, and instructions and threats that Prince George and Prince George had. other members of the royal family should be considered as potential targets, "said Judge Andrew Leeds when reading the verdict
. admitted as guilty participate in the preparation of terrorist acts and at the same time. incitement to terrorism In a social network, he urged supporters of radical Islam to attack people using bombs and fresh weapons and to inject poison into the ice cream shops.
In October from last year he published a photograph of The Princ George George's address was Thomas Battersea in London, where he studied. Below, there was a text, "Even the royal family will not be left alone," reported Nova TV. In addition, in the telephone interview of the accused British citizen, the guild called "Mujahiddin lindak", which contained articles on the manufacture of homemade explosives made at home, was found there.
The prosecution argued that Rashid intended to publish these documents, which was not due to his capture by the police. The defendant taught in the city of Nelson and, according to the investigation, had the intention to go to Syria to join the war of extremist militants of the Islamic State.
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