Liverpool makes his first bid for Alison, his goalkeeper record – England – European Football


Liverpool made his first bid for Roma Alison Becker. According to the Italian and English media, the proposal is a record goalkeeper and is worth 70 million euros (62 million pounds sterling) with bonuses included. The other Chelsea club should participate in the call for bids.

Earlier in the day, Italian journalist Gianluca Di Martizo revealed that the Brazilian agent Zea Maria Neis will meet clearly wants his client to be transferred to another club

According to Il Messaggero, Roma wants Alison 90 millions of euros. This amount, however, will not be paid by Liverpool because Merseyside hopes that they will be able to persuade the Italian club to lower the price.
Other sources claim that "wolves" are ready for an agreement worth 75 million

Two social networking activities stimulated speculation. Alison himself removed information about Roma from his profile on Instagram. At the same time, a photocollage appeared on the same network, where Alison was half-dressed with a Liverpool team. Ze Maria Neis liked the picture in question, which caused euphoria among Merseyside fans.

Earlier in the summer, it was claimed that Alison could be considered a new addition to Real Madrid. The latest information from Spain, however, is that the "white" will rather try to attract Chelsea's Tibor Curtoa

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