Lloyds Bank Plans Three Divisions In The EU After Brexit


The financial group Lloyds Banking Group plans to operate with three of its subsidiaries in continental Europe after the departure of Britain from the EU, reported Reuters, citing familiar sources

Lloyds Banking Group is expected to be the largest on the old continent through a new Berlin-based subsidiary

However, the Lloyds Banking Group's management plans for two more customer service centers within the European Union. (19659004) Brexit will cost up to $ 50 billion in island banks "/>

Brexit will cost up to 50 billion dollars in the banks of the island [19659006] The uncertainty on the British and European division has already hit the sector

This is a sequential sign of how the next Brexit will crush the banking sector, long concentrated in London for a long time

Lloyds measures indicate a trend, which financial institution countries allocate resources for the exit of the EU in a certain number of cities on the continent. Instead of basing most of their operations in the same place, as has been the case in London for decades

. In March, the Swiss bank UBS said it would follow a "decentralized" model in keeping with the changes The major credit institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and JPMorgan, recalls bnr.bg

However, these plans will result in higher costs and confusion as each subsidiary must be capitalized and licensed separately from European regulators. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) Return n; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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