London blamed Russia for the death of the British poisoned – World


British Defense Minister Gavin Williamson blames Russia for the death of the drug Novitchak Dawn Sturgis

"Russia attacked an attack that resulted in the death of a British citizen of Noviotok" said the British Secretary of Defense. Williamson, after the death of a 1965 British

Williamson said this in parliament after questioning the threat to people in the UK since Sturgess's death yesterday

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– Reuters United Kingdom (@ReutersUK) 9 July 2018

"The reality is simple: Russia has attacked the earth British, which resulted in the death of a British citizen.I believe the world will unite to us to condemn what has happened, "said the minister.

The latest information on this case can be found in the video above

who died as a result of a neuropathic substance, was poisoned with a " high dose "of Noviok reported the BBC.

A citizen of the United Kingdom – always an ally of NATO, our privileged partner for over a century of poisoning by a Russian-made neural agent

It seems that I missed something: Where is the firm reaction of the US government or at least one official conviction?

– David Priess (@DavidPriess) 9 July 2018

The mother of three died Sunday night after being unconscious at home in Amesbury on June 30, with her boyfriend, the life of

Sturgis held an object infected by Novichock in southern England, Amesbury, a few kilometers from where the Russian double agent Sergei Scripal and his daughter Julia were attacked with the same substance in March in Salisbury.

The Russian Embbady in the United Kingdom said that it was going to deal with an amnesty poisoning incident where anti-Russian provocation in the absence access to the investigation. "Without access to the survey data and to our two citizens (Sergey and Julia Scripal), we will consider the Salisbury and Amesbury incidents as an irresponsible anti-Russian provocation by the London authorities", said the embbady. The head of the British anti-terrorist unit, Neil Basu, said today that detectives can not determine whether the substance "Noviotok" to which two Britons were exposed is the same one that is used against the drug. former Russian agent Sergei Scripal and his daughter Julia.

"The latest terrible development of events has strengthened the determination of our investigative team as we work to identify those responsible for this scandalous, daring and barbarous act," said the country's highest-ranking journalist. Antiterrorist unit. his words, the investigators are not yet able to tell if the neuropathic agent found in this incident is related to the attack on Sergey and Julia Scripal

According to the anti-terrorist police, the two British wounded by Noviot touched a vial with the poisonous substance, adds Associated Press,

Basu also said that Sturgess, who died yesterday, and his partner Charlie Rawley, were exposed to a "high dose" of poisonous fighting substance.

For now, the working version is that the incident of Sturgis and Rowley is related to the March attack on Colonel Scripal and his daughter in Salisbury. Death of Novichok's poisoning We must know if #Russia is at fault. "

– John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) July 9, 2018

More than 100 police officers search every place the two Britons visited before they became sick 9 days ago. The research is focused on their homes and at Salisbury Park

Rawley remains in critical condition at a hospital in Salisbury.

The British policeman said that he "can not guarantee" that there will be no other victims "I can not give any guarantees" on public safety , he said, and urged people not to touch syringes or "unusual objects" with liquid if they accidentally hit them. "

A new serious incident in Salisbury, two in critical condition

Newcomers poisoned by infestation

Why Sergey and Julia Scripal are not dead

What's up? Novioc – the poison against Scripal and his daughter

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