: London taxi drivers suing Uber for 1 billion pounds :: Monitor.bg


London taxi drivers are studying the possibility of filing a clbad action suit against the technology company that created the Uber mobile app, according to Reuters. Sky News said the price of demand could exceed GBP 1 billion (US $ 1.3 billion) by referring to unidentified sources.

This is weeks after the company's license to work in the British.
The Association of Licensed Taxi Drivers (LTDA) will likely present as evidence that 25,000 traditional black taxi drivers in London have suffered losses of an average of 10,000 pounds for at least 5 years due to # 39; Uber. Thus, according to Sky News, the total claim for compensation could reach 1.25 billion pounds ($ 1.64 billion).
According to television news, the Association of Authorized Taxi Drivers, which brings together 11,000 members
Uber received a temporary license to work in the city last month after the British regulator Transportation refused to renew the company's license in September last year due to deficiencies in the approach of reporting serious criminal highway traffic violations and previous inspections of the driver

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