: Maize Williams is the last survivor of "Game of Thrones" :: Monitor.bg


Maize Williams is the next star to say goodbye to "Game of Thrones" on social media. "Goodbye Belfast Goodbye Arya Goodbye Threesome So much joy that you've given me for new adventures," wrote writer Arya Stark to Instagram, not to mention that she was the last woman to Surviving the Bloody Saga

Williams is far from the only one to play with fans' desire to understand how the story ends. A few days ago, Sophie Turner took a look at the audience behind the scenes of the finale, showing her tattoo with the inscription "The Squad Survives". The sentence is a reference to the replica of his previous season, "The soldier dies, but the pack survives." This has inspired the hope of many army fans that the Old Ones would sit on the iron throne or at least show up for the final inscriptions

That contradicts the demand for HBO a few months ago that none of the throne characters "does not survive." Some time ago, the producers shared another version: a few different denominations would be drawn, and at the last moment nobody would know who would put the point on The saga

We remind you that the interpretation of "Song of Fire and Ice" by George РR Martin will be released in a number of episodes of boutique – six.The end of the hit series, with phrases such as "The Winter Comes" and "Nothing You Know, John Snow", will be released next spring

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