Major Battlefield 5 operations will not be available at launch


One of the new features of Battlefield V is Grand Operations, an "enhanced version" of the Operations multiplayer mode introduced in Battlefield 1. However, it seems that players will not be able to participate in this new multiplayer experience after out of the game.

EA shared more details on Grand Operations in a new post on the official Battlefield V website. More specifically, the post reveals that the first major operation will be available "shortly after launch." No other details of timing have been shared in the post, so it remains to be seen how long players will have to wait to play first.

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EA says that Large Deals are "designed to seamlessly present the maps and modes of Battlefield V." Each game lasts about an hour and takes place between three "days" of play, starting with an insertion. In the Norwegian Operation, this will take the form of the new Airborne mode, which has a team parachute on a map to destroy a group of artillery guns while the other defends against their attack.

The remaining days of the Great Operation begin. As EA explains, "Play well on the first day and deploy with enough ammo or vehicles when the card changes, for example: hurt, and you'll deploy the next day with perhaps fewer reps. , vehicles or other resources "

Battlefield V launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 19, but those who purchase the Deluxe Edition of the game will be able to jump three days earlier, on 16 As the next Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, it will feature its own Royal Battle Mode.To learn more about the upcoming shooter, make sure to take a look at our summary of all that we know about Battlefield V.

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