Manchester City officially announced the attraction of Marek – England – European Football


Manchester City Champion of England claims the first big summer transfer. The "Citizens" attracted Algerian midfielder Lester Riad Maréz. The 27-year-old has signed a contract for five seasons and will play with number 26 at Etihad. As is known, the "citizens" insisted on attracting the player in January, but the "foxes" did not release their star for less than 100 million pounds. "The best things are learned by the waitress who can wait," writes City in Twitter

The best things come to those who are waiting … #welcomeriyad in Manchester City! #mancity

– Manchester City (@ManCity) July 10, 2018

"I am very happy to be part of Manchester City." Guardiola admits the philosophy offensive football that suits me perfectly: "Manchester City changes the football in England, and it's an honor and a privilege for me to be part of this team."
The value of the transaction is 68 million euros, as requested by the official website "Citizens." Lester for one of its stars.

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